Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Why Dont' Diets Work?

This is a question that will take several entries to answer. For a diet to work it has to not only accomplish the goal of weight loss but the weight should not be regained. Most consider a diet to have been successful if the person has lost weight. Almost any diet will produce weight loss. But statistics have shown that over 90 percent of the people who go on diets regain their weight-with many of these regaining more weight than they lost. Is this success? If you've been on diet after diet, you have to consider that those diets didn't work. The marketplace would not be inundated with diets and diet products if diets worked. For some reason, the more unusual and illogical a diet is, the more people are attracted to it as the possible panacea. This is why each year at least one more fad diet or diet product comes out on the market. People tend to think, "Wow, this sounds easy and powerful. I haven't tried this before. How much? Where do I sign up?" It's a money maker, plain and simple. These companies aren't caring about helping you be successful with your weight. They make more money if you don't succeed because you'll continue to try their next expensive weight loss method. Have you ever noticed that diet ads for "quick weight loss" aids like pills say something like, "Along with diet and exercise....?" It's the diet and exercise part that really causes the weight loss. Why don't diets work? I'll tell you. (to be continued)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Why do most diets fail?

...because most diets are incompatible with how we, as humans, psychologically function best.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

What is a diet?

A diet is any food plan which stipulates what foods you should and shouldn't eat and/or how much you should or shouldn't eat. Some diets give you menus to follow. Some tell you how to combine foods. Many list specific foods that are not allowed on the diet. Some will even tell you what time of the day is appropriate to eat certain foods. A diet typically has little to no flexibility.